Online Safety Day - 6th February 2024
On the 6th February, the children took part in the national online safety day. Each year group has a different focus and explored in depth an aspect of online safety. For example, year 1 and 2 explored the impact of 'screen time' and year 5 explored the positives and negatives of mobile devices. Each year group presented their findings and we all thought carefully about the key messages of how to stay safe online. Check out the images below:
Lordsgate Curriculum Intent
At Lordsgate, our aim is to make children into independent, confident and successful learners within the context of a broad and balanced curriculum.
With regards computing, the intent is to:
- Provide a relevant, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for ICT and computing for all pupils.
- Meet the requirements of the national curriculum programmes of study for ICT and computing.
- Use ICT and computing as a tool to enhance learning throughout the curriculum.
- To respond to new developments in technology.
- To equip pupils with the confidence and capability to use ICT and computing throughout their life.
- To enhance learning in other areas of the curriculum using ICT and computing.
- To develop the understanding of how to use ICT and computing safely and responsibly.
The Computing Curriculum Leader is Mr P Jaeger
At Lordsgate, we aim to advance our learner's knowledge and understanding in the 3 areas of the computing curriculum. In their simplest terms, these 3 areas are:
- Computer Science - using technology to create their own programmes and algorithms. This helps children to develop their ability to problem solve;
- ICT - manipulating technology to achieve a goal.
- Digital Literacy - being able to use technology safely and make sensible choices.
Overview of the Computing Curriculum at Lordsgate
Here is an overview of the computing curriculum by year group. Below the long term map, is a breakdown of how many units each year group do across the 3 areas of the computing curriculum.
Within the long term plan is a list of programmes and software that will be used to deliver learning in each unit.
Computing in Action at Lordsgate
The children at Lordsgate took part in an online safety worship. The theme of the worship was 'Let's talk about it.' This encouraged children to talk about their experiences online. We also shared our message of 'Zip It, Block It, Flag It.'
Each class completed a lesson on one aspect of online safety. For example, year 3 did a lesson called 'The Power of Image' which was about how we should look after our own image and the image of others on the internet.
Some of the children also made some wonderful online safety posters to show what they had learned throughout the day (see below).
Book Creator in Year 1 - Autumn Term 2023
Year 1 used their knowledge of the seasons to create a book using the 'book creator' app. The children each had a go at adding text, an image and a voice recording to share what they knew about the seasons.
Year 5 - Creating Digital Content
Year 5 demonstrated what they learned about Space by making some presentations about planets in our solar system. Within these presentations, the children included text, images and hyperlinks. Why not check out some of them below?
Online Safety Day 7th February 2023

Year 5 learned how to use the 'Numbers' program on the i Pads to present information in a spreadsheet
Year 5 used sequence selection and repetition to build a robot. They also refined and debugged their programmes.

Year 1 have been programming Bee Bots.
In year 5 , the children have been developing their safe internet searching skills to find answers to some questions about planets. They have also learned that it is important to check more than one website to check the validity of the information they find.
Year 5 have learned how to use keynote, building in consistency in their documents. They have also learned how to create hyperlinks.
Scratch in Year 4
Creating Algorithms in Year 3

Coding in Year 2

Lego WeDo 2.0

Here's how it works.
Lego WeDo 2.0 in year 5
iPads being used in Year 1 to develop many skills across the curriculum.
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6