Lordsgate Curriculum Intent
Subject Curriculum Intent
The intent of the PE curriculum at Lordsgate Township CE Primary School is to develop children who enjoy taking part in physical activity. Through the teaching of transferrable physical skills and tactics, as well as sequencing and choreography; we look to produce children who are physically literate and able to participate confidently in a number of physical disciplines and sports. We aim to encourage children to become more physically active and to acquire knowledge of how their body works and the importance of physical fitness.
Through PE and school sport, we intend for pupils to have a growing understanding of their own physical fitness and respect their own abilities and skills and those of others. We aim to demonstrate to pupils that they can improve their technique and skills through hard work and practise. The children will also learn that they can help others to improve their tactical understanding and ability to choreograph sequences. We encourage children to appreciate the skills and abilities of everybody and understand that everyone has their own talents and attributes. Our pupils will be taught to respect their opponents and promote fair play.
The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives.
At Lordsgate we ensure that all children receive a minimum of 2 hours, high-quality PE every week. These sessions are well organised and resourced and delivered. We use the Lancashire PE scheme of work in order to guarantee excellent curriculum coverage and opportunities for assessment. We continue to enjoy an excellent relationship with West Lancs Sports Partnership who help us to ensure high quality provision in all areas of PE and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.
PE at Lordsgate Township CE Primary School links to our curriculum passport in the following ways: year 1 and 2 will perform a dance; year 3 and 4 will make up their own games and teach it to people; and in years 5 and 6 pupils will undertake cycling proficiency, go orienteering and take part in an extended residential visit. Children will also learn in the outdoors and partake in extra-curricular activity – such as inter school competition.
We celebrate the knowledge that our children develop and support their learning through a variety of ways to ensure knowledge is gained. Children will base new knowledge on prior learning and will see their understanding develop over time.
PE at Lordsgate Township CE Primary School provides stretch and challenge for all pupils through differentiation by STEP. STEP is a strategy for differentiating activities to suit the needs of all learners by changing:
SPACE – can be adapted to make activities more or less challenging by providing more or less space
TASK – the task can be changed to make it easier or more difficult to be successful
EQUIPMENT – the type of equipment can be chosen to make it easier or harder to manipulate
PEOPLE – overload or underload situations can be created to make games situations more or less challenging