School Evaluation and Improvement Plans
School Improvement Planning
The School Improvement Plan guides the future development of the school. It promotes school improvement over a given period of time and is underpinned by strategic financial planning.
Analysis of external and internal data combined with professional judgement gathered through classroom observations, work scrutiny and discussion with stakeholders, determine the focus of school improvement priorities. School self evaluation takes place prior to publication of the plan and includes:
- Parental questionnaire and Parent Council meetings
- Pupil Questionnaires and Pupil Voice activities
- Staff discussions about strengths and areas for development
- Staff Well-being survey
- Audit of teaching and learning
- Classroom observations
- School Council discussions
- Analysis of external data
- Senior Leadership Team scrutiny of books, planning and pupil progress data.
The school improvement plan helps us manage change and provides structured, ordered direction with clear targets for measuring success. It provides the framework from which governors and staff can monitor the impact of change on learning and teaching.
Here is a representation of the School Improvement Cycle with our Vision of 'Lordsgate Opens and Journey to God's Love and Learning' at the heart.