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Lordsgate Township Church of England Primary School

Lordsgate opens a journey to God’s Love and Learning

‘You make known to me the path of life’ Psalm 16:11

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Special Educational Needs Information

Lordsgate provides an inclusive, nurturing and effective education for pupils with a variety of needs. We provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum for all children, including those who at any time might be in need of additional support with their academic, emotional or physical abilities.

Every child who attends Lordsgate deserves the best possible education. They deserve to be treated as an individual and have their needs met. As a school we believe that ‘Quality First Teaching’ followed by appropriate, targeted and evaluated interventions are an important part of providing that education for your child. We also believe in the importance of communicating effectively with children, parents and carers and developing our provision as a result of this.

Systems have been developed to identify children who may have additional needs and have barriers to learning. We have experience in supporting children with speech and language difficulties, physical needs, auditory difficulties, children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Dyslexia.

As a school we have identified that there are an increasing number of children who require support for their emotional well-being. As a result we have formulated a caring, nurturing provision which aims to support children who have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties at school. As part of this children are supported by trained adults who assess their difficulties and strengths and then set interventions and targets. The ‘Acorn Room’ is where this support often takes place, it is a positive place that is liked by the children.

Our Special Education Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs McLennan and is contactable via the school office or by emailing 

Lordsgate SEND information

Lordsgate SEND Policy

Lordsgate SEND report
