Healthy School
Lancashire Healthy Schools
We are a recognised Lancashire Healthy School. Our achievement of this standard demonstrates our promotion of health and wellbeing. The standard requires demonstration of a robust PSHE curriculum, with a focus on educating our children and young people to keep themselves healthy. safe, emotionally resilient and well prepared to make a positive contribution to society.
Healthy Eating
At Lordsgate we promote healthy eating. Our school meals provided by Mellors offer a well balanced healthy lunch. Alternatively children may bring their own packed lunch. Children in Reception to year 2 are provided with an item of fresh fruit daily, free of charge. KS2 children bring their own fruit into school for break time. Children bring water into school to drink throughout the day in their school water bottles. This can be replenished when required. Milk is provided free for children under 5. Parents have the option to purchase milk for their children from Reception to Year 2.
This year 2021-22 our current healthy school focus is on healthy eating. We are currently working towards gaining the Lancashire Healthy Eating Quality Standard Award. As a school we have identified a need to improve the content of our pupils lunchboxes. .
We designed then made our own healthy packed lunches and invited our parents in to help.

A dentist came into school to talk to us about the effects of too much sugar on our teeth

We grew our own fruit and vegetables

Cook visit to Year 2
Examples of work

The school community devised a Healthy Lunchbox leaflet
Pupil Voice
"It was so interesting learning about the Eatwell plate"
" I didn't know that yogurts have so much sugar in them"
"I've never tried a strawberry before, its delicious!"
"I make and pack my own lunchbox now. I know what to put in it to stay healthy."
"I used to have a chocolate bar everyday in my lunchbox. I've swapped it for fruit and carrot sticks."
"I have more ideas now of what is healthy to put in my lunchbox."