Lordsgate Curriculum Intent
'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son and whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.'
John 3:16
The school has adopted the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Education Syllabus for RE. Christianity plays an integral role in school, as a stand alone subject in RE as well as through many others areas of life. It is the basis for all that we do here at Lordsgate.
We also use the school Christian Values which are love, friendship, trust, peace, forgiveness, respect and faith to support RE teaching and learning.
Our school works very closely with St John's Church and both benefit from the strong relationship we have. Collective worship takes place daily in our classrooms this year. This means we are able to have more reflective time as a class even thought we are missing meeting together as a family in the hall. Teachers and children regularly take part and each year all of the children lead a class worship to their peers and parents.
Our RE Subject Lead is: Mr Plowman
Policy and Overview of the Curriculum:
R.E In Action at Lordsgate:
We started looking at God's Big Story in the Autumn Term of 2018 and have focussed on it each year since. The children are confident with being familiar with the concepts and we decorated our school hall with some amazing art work. Here you can see Reception’s board about Creation and Y3’s depiction of Adam and Eve representing ‘The Fall’. Each class shared their thoughts and feelings about God’s amazing Creation as well as all of the other areas of the story and we had some excellent art work and poetry to share. This is now displayed on our corridor and links within all of our RE learning. The children are encouraged to spot where their learning fits in with The Big Frieze, God's Big Story.
Our hall displays have now been replaced with our core Christian values. Each class have created a piece of art work around their class value.
God's Big Story created by all of the Children:
We are very fortunate to have a member of the St John's team lead a worship every half term. It is a very enjoyable experience going to St John's Church and performing our Harvest, Christmas productions or taking part in one of their services.
Previous performances at St John's Church: