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Lordsgate Township Church of England Primary School

Lordsgate opens a journey to God’s Love and Learning

‘You make known to me the path of life’ Psalm 16:11

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Governing Body

The school governing body is responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education for every child.  Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day to day management, they set the school's aims and policies.


Key roles of governors:


  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent


They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:


  • Determining how the school budget is spent
  • The appointing and dismissing of staff
  • Hearing appeals and grievances
  • Forming policy on the school's curriculum and collective worship
  • Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline
  • Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
  • Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies


Lordsgate has 14 governor positions from the following categories:


  • 8 Foundation governors (appointed by St John's Church PCC)
  • 2 Parent governors (elected by school parents)
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 1 Staff governor (elected by staff)
  • 1 Co-opted governor (selected by the governing body)
  • 1 Local Authority governor (nominated by the local authority and appointed by the governing body)


Lordsgate's governors are listed below, together with the sub-committees that they are on:


Foundation Governors


  • Rev. Elliott Ireton (Distinctiveness)
  • Kerry Patton - Chair of Governors (Curriculum, Resources)
  • Ruth Baller-Wilson (Resources)
  • Ruth Lewis (Resources, Distinctiveness
  • Andrew Caunce (Distinctiveness)
  • Matt Newsome - Vice Chair (Resources)
  • David Philip Marshall (Curriculum)
  • Mrs Hope Christopher (Distinctiveness)


Parent Governors


  • Nicola Rice (Curriculum)
  • Nathan Ward (Resources)


Headteacher Governor


  • Mr Hackett (Curriculum, Resources, Distinctiveness)


Staff Governor


  • Mrs McLennan (Curriculum)


Co-opted Governor

  • Mr Plowman (Distinctiveness & Curriculum)


Local Authority Governor

  • Joanne Burgess (Curriculum)


