Red Nose Day 2023
All the children enjoyed taking part in a ‘Red Nose Hunt’ around the school on Friday 17th March for Comic Relief. Forty noses were hidden around the school with a letter on each nose which spelt out a cryptic sentence if all forty were found. The staff who accompanied children identified the children who were the best ‘nose hunters’ and the best ‘clue crackers’. Prizes were awarded in Fridays Star Worship .
Also in Star Worship a wonderful array of Lego models were displayed which were made as part of the challenge to build or create something that made people smile. Again children who took part where awarded Red Nose merchandise for their efforts. Ms Thompson the school cook also made some lovely red nose biscuits and cakes for the occasion
Thank you for all the donations that were sent in on the day we managed to raise an impressive £288 which will go towards the comic relief charities here in the UK and abroad.