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Lordsgate Township Church of England Primary School

Lordsgate opens a journey to God’s Love and Learning

‘You make known to me the path of life’ Psalm 16:11

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  • Lordsgate's Got Talent February 2023

    Thu 09 Feb 2023 Mrs Hill

    On the last day of half term we hosted a talent show organised by the School Council. This was our first Talent Show since the pandemic and it was dedicated to the memory of Eve Lewis, an ex pupil who sadly passed away last year. Eve was always a regular participant in our talent shows and it seemed a fitting way to remember her by. In total 49 children took part (that’s 25% of the school) with varied talents on display such as magic, karate, singing, dancing, football, comedy and musical instrument playing. Well done to our overall Winner Henri, for a very entertaining comedy act. In 2nd place was Annabelle who did a gymnastics routine to ‘Hey Soul Sister’’ and in 3rd Place was Pippa with a fantastic rendition of ‘Because of you’ by Kelly Clarkson.

    There were lots of other strong and entertaining performances. Well done to everyone for having the courage and the talent for taking part. 

  • Y4: Intergenerational Programme

    Wed 08 Feb 2023 Mrs Hill

    On 8th February, Year 4 visited Lily Wharf Care Home and made a heart with all the children's names on for the Residents to keep and we also made one to bring back to School. The children really enjoyed sitting with the Residents and completing the Valentines Day themed activities.

    Each time the children visit they also sing songs with the Residents which we all really enjoy. 


    On Friday 24th February, Mr Hackett and Mrs Donohue accompanied Y4 and our School Choir to Stocks Hall care home to entertain the Residents with a set of songs that would be popular amongst the Residents as well as some of the new songs the choir are practicing. It was lovely to see the joy and happiness the children's visit brought to the Stocks Hall.

  • Mental Health week 2023

    Mon 06 Feb 2023 Mrs Hill

    The National Children’s Mental Health week was themed around the concept of ‘Let’s Connect’. Connecting with others is not only good for those receiving it but good for childrens’ own mental health and wellbeing. It has also been a good extension of our worship theme this year about Friendship and links to our curriculum vision thread of showing ‘Gods Love for Others’. On Friday 10th February classes shared their work with the rest of the school. Here is a flavour of what had been achieved.

    Reception—Looked at how they connected with others in the classroom through things like sharing, caring, being kind and talking with each other. They extended this to look at connecting with ‘People who help us’ and during the term they have had visits from Pat the Lollipop Lady, a postman, a dentist, the police etc.

    Y1—Created art work on a jigsaw puzzle showing how they connect with others. They also did some great team building exercises in their outdoor area.

    Y2—Created paper chains with connections of people important to them and people they felt connected to.

    Y3— Y4 Continued with their intergenerational project linking with the residents of Lily Wharf. They gave the residents posters they had created with facts that they had learnt from their last visit. They also made a heart with all their names on and the names of the residents. They connected by completing valentines activities together and singing residents favourite songs!

    Y5—Connected with other classes in the school by producing Positivity Posters, which had wellbeing and positive affirmation messages on to display on classroom doors.

    Y6—Wrote letters to connect with the children of Uganda and they also looked at the difficult area of comparing when it is a good time to connect with people and when there might be times it might not be wise to connect—such as the thorny issue of internet safety . . . Which leads us onto another aspect of the week … During the week it was also Internet Safety day on Tuesday 7th and this was a good opportunity to look at connecting with others SAFELY on-line. Mr Jaeger ran an assembly and classes completed follow up activities on this important subject.
